Following on from Miss Van's solo show 'Sparkles', in hometown of Paris, is new show 'Bailarinas' in New York. I'm excited to see new works from this show (on the internet of course, as I'm in Australia).
Miss Van has also recently collaborated with Cirque du Soleil to produce a print depicting their show Corteo. The print will be shown in Madrid on April 29-30th, at
Espacio Valverde as part of the
SAFEWALLS exhibition, cumulating the Cirque du Soleil collaborations of El Mac, Shag, Jon Burgerman, Jason Limon, Sweet Toof, Glenn Anderson, Nuria Mora and Ricardo Cavolo.
There is a print run of only 300. They are selling at $55USD, which is amazingly cheap for a Miss Van print. (to purchase prints/see more info on Cirque De Soleil art project)